In this background, the company created the "BLESSTAR®" and "EVER ECOLAR®" series of eco-friendly biodegradable antibacterial and antiviral products. Main products and services: highly-effective antibacterial and antiviral finishing agent, disinfectant, chips, textile antibacterial finishing and related technical services. Widely used in medical supplies, textile and apparel, home textiles, maternal and child care, female products, personal protection and other fields.

History of Products: 

Ecolar Technology

Ecolar Technology Limited, is a scientific innovation enterprise in Hong Kong, jointly incubated by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, dedicating to protecting human health and the earth's environment, and adhering to the corporate values of integrity service, continuous innovation, win-win cooperation.

The company established BLESSTAR® & EVER ECOLAR®, and developed series of environmental bio-based healthy antibacterial and antiviral products. Main products and service: PHA antibcterial and antiviral finishing agents, sprays, socks, masks, knitted, woven and nonwoven fabrics and related technical service.

 Top R&D Team and Service Platforms:


  • Smart Wearable System Research Institute, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  • School of Fashion and Textiles,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Jinjiang Technology Innovation Institute, Fujian of China

  • Yinhu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Institute, Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Blesstar Series 


New Biodegradable Materials

Appearance: Light yellow/Transparent viscous liquid

Traits: Soluble in organic solvents or water

Toxicity: Non-toxic side effects on humans and the environment
Sustainability: Fully degradable, no pollutant residues


Life Cycle 

Products Classification

Leading supplier of green healthy materials.


Cooperative Partners

100% bio-polymers derived from renewable natural sources.

Fully biodegradable materials.

Sustainable, renewable source.

Antimicrobials and antivirus by 99.99%


Demonstration of Products: 

The projects acknowledge partial funding support from the Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel Limited, Innovation and Technology Commission and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 

News Center  

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2024 第二十二届 中国.海峡创新项目成果交易会
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Biotech Mission in Los Angeles 洛杉矶生物科技访问
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  ECOLAR- 益曜科技


       —— Start a fresh chapter of healthy life!




       —— Leading supplier of green healthy materials


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